
Saturday, October 22, 2011

14 months

Dear Ransom,

You are such a cool kid. While you continue to refuse to walk ( you've stood up unaided several times, but only when so thoroughly distracted that you didn't realize you weren't being supported. *sigh*) you have been growing in other ways. You're talking a lot more. And when you're not talking you make fun noises. The noise you're probably most famous for among those who know you is the "eeee--ooooo-eeee-ooooo" sound ( imagine a much cuter and less annoying fire engine.)
Your favorite things to say are "thank you"......"What's that!?" which is always said as an exclamation while pointing. "All right!" and recently you call any four legged animal "Doggie".
You still call most people in pictures "Daddy" ( since I guess I've confused you by getting excited about pictures of your Daddy.) and you use the Please sign language really well whenever you want something. And when you REALLY want something you'll say the word "Please" too...

However, one thing I never want to forget about this season in your life, is your love for "writing" ( pen cap securely in place). While at first you wrote on just about ANYTHING when given a pen to hold, you now have preferences. You prefer to write in Mommy and Daddy's bible study books or in Mommy's journal. You seem to know that THAT'S the proper place to write.
If given paper and pen you will spend TONS of time turning the pages, talking to yourself and writing.
I would give just about anything to know what's going through your head! I do love the fact that you've obviously got an active imagination and are already understanding the value of the written and spoken word. ;-)

All my love,

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