Dear Ransom:
You're a month old! Well, actually you're close to two months old now-but hopefully you'll forgive me for being a bit behind with these letters! A LOT has happened since you've been born!
First of all, once your Daddy and I got you home from the hospital we could hardly believe you were ours! We spend days just staring at you. This is how our days went: Feed you, stare at you, try to sleep for a minute, repeat.
This worked well, especially since you were super cute to stare at and seemed to be changing before our very eyes!
Your Daddy had to leave for Ranger School when you were only two weeks old-but Spicy came to stay with us so we wouldn't get lonely. And before Daddy left you decided to give all three of us a good laugh by dirtying up THREE diapers while still on the changing table, we couldn't get a new one on you fast enough before you were pooping away! And then, before we could even congratulate ourselves on saving your clothes from ruin you proceeded to pee all over yourself and all that was around you! Pretty impressive with those bodily functions!
Daddy was SO sad to leave you and he knew he was going to miss so much these first few weeks! And what exactly did he miss? Crying....After Spicy left you and I were alone for a whole week and boy did you take advantage of that time to work on your lung capacity! Luckily your Mom has some fabulous friends who came to our aid and took you for some much needed 'away from Mommy' time so she could take a few naps! However, it was during these visits from friends that I started to see one of your wonderful gifts. People feel special around you.
It seemed that there were two things in common that just about everyone feels about you: One, you've got great hair ( you can think your Daddy for that thick bunch of black hair!) and that you "love them!" that's right! It seems everyone that spends time with you seems to think that they have a "special connection" with you! This is great for Mommy because it means people want to spend time with you-but its also something that we hope you continue to keep as part of your make others feel loved and special. That's a wonderful gift and I hope that one day its something that you work at doing for the benefit of Christ.
So, after our week "bounding just the two of us" we had Aunt Amy come visit us from Mississippi and Nana come visit us from Texas. Amy was with us just for the weekend but she got to come see Daddy jump out of an Airplane with us-which was fun! It was great to see your Daddy, even for a brief few minutes and he got to see just how much you'd changed!
Then at the end of your Nana's visit, your Daddy passed the first phase of Ranger School and got an eight hour pass to come home and see us! He was SO happy to see you and was so amazed at how you'd grown! He missed you so very much and cried to have to leave you again.
It is amazing how much you change and grow with each passing day, and with each passing day our love for you grows!
Until next month,
Love your Mommy